
First Impressions

So last week, my sis & I went to Fazoli's just as they were closing on our way home from something one night...we didn't realize they were closing, in which case, we may not have gone. I used to work at Dairy Queen, and it was really frustrating when someone came in with this whole dinner order at the last minute--normally we tried to get a head start on closing so that we could get out as fast as possible.

Well, there was a guy working, probably like 16 or 17 years old. When we pulled up and could see him making our food at the counter, he seemed to be muttering to himself and I figured he'd be a punk when he came to the window. So I think I said something to that effect, like, how I was so sorry to make him do his job and give him continued job security (to Meghan, not to the kid). I wasn't upset or anything, I had no reason to be, I just had a preconcieved notion of what this kid would do when he came to the window. He had his hat on sideways and big earrings and just a stereotype was in my mind. (No, I have nothing against earrings or side-hats, unless you wear it with a popped collar...) ;-)

He came to the window and was like the nicest fast food employee I have ever encountered. He comped like half our food actually, because we had to wait, and we weren't even complaining. He apologized and thanked us for our patience and was extremely nice. No attitude at all.

I know it sounds ridiculous, like why is this really your second blog on this wall, about some guy at Fazolis?

Well, I bet Side-Hat Boy has no idea what an impression he made on me, and he wasn't doing anything significant. Well, I should say, there is no way he could know. And then I started thinking, like this book my small group and I are reading, called Crazy Love, by Francis Chan, says "If you stopped being a "Christian," who would know? What would be different?" That was kind of a gut check, because, really, what WOULD be different? I mean, I don't smoke or party or any of those "bad things" we all try to avoid, right? But what makes me stand out from all the other fast food employees like the Fazolis guy? You know what I mean, I don't work in fast food, but what makes me different from all the other yayhoos out there? I am sure people can look at me and think one thing, and get to know me and learn something else...but is it something I would be proud of? Something God would say, 'Well done, my good and faithful servant?'

Honestly, I don't know. At times, probably. Most of the time? Probably not. And not so much because I am doing something outwardly that is so bad. More because of what's goin on on the inside. Like judging the Fazolis guy because he had diamonds in his ears and a sideways hat...

And like the "random encounter" with this kid, it was insignificant to him. He has no idea the challenge God used him for. He may not even believe in God. But I do. And how many missed opportunties have I not taken advantage of because it was too "insignificant?" That's not acceptable really. It's a total cop-out. Enough of that, time to take responsibility!


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